速報APP / 健康塑身 / Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4

Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4



檔案大小:16.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4(圖1)-速報App

This Oxford University Press source of information is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries.

Fully revised and updated, the Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine is the definitive, best-selling guide for all of the common conditions that present to the emergency department. Whether you work in emergency medicine, or just want to be prepared, this book will be your essential guide.

•Covers all the conditions that commonly present to the emergency department making it the perfect practical guide

•Incorporates the latest treatment guidelines including information on resuscitation, DNR orders, infection control and learning disability

Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4(圖2)-速報App

New to this edition

•Includes new revised 2010 Resuscitation Council guidelines

•New sections outline patient advice and information

•Incorporates latest developments in emergency medicine

Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4(圖3)-速報App

•Expansion of information on paediatrics and psychiatry

Following the latest clinical guidelines and evidence, written and reviewed by experts, this handbook will ensure you are up to date and have the confidence to deal with all emergency presentations, practices, and procedures. In line with the latest developments in the field, such as infection control, DNR orders, advanced directives and learning disability, the book also includes new sections specifically outlining patient advice and information, as well as new and revised vital information on paediatrics and psychiatry. For all junior doctors, specialist nurses, paramedics, clinical students, GPs and other allied health professionals, this rapid-reference handbook will become a vital companion for both study and practice.

Readership: Junior doctors and specialist registrars in emergency medicine; nurses and paramedics working in emergency medicine; clinical medical students; general practitioners; recommended reading for postgraduate examinations in emergency medicine.

Authors: Tim Raine, Katherine McGinn, James Dawson, Stephan Sanders, and Simon Eccles

Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4(圖4)-速報App


MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without edition upgrade. MedHand is the exclusive partner of Oxford University Press, publishing the latest editions of their Medical Handbooks in digital format.

MedHand offers user-friendly, quick and intuitive applications for medical books on iPhone, iPod and iPad, supporting you with mobile knowledge at the point of care. Offering the most trusted and well recognized medical guidelines provided by excellent publishers. MedHand delivers what you need, trusted knowledge at the point of care!

Oxf HB of Emergency Medicine,4(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad